How does the allergen pass through the skin?
An examination of the skin barrier
If you browse the internet, to discover how allergens pass through the skin, you will probably find the following statements: "the skin barrier is unstable", "the allergen comes into contact with the immune system”, "the skin barrier function is impaired” or “the causes have not yet been fully researched”.
A rule from conventional medicine: “virtually nothing can pass through healthy skin”
There is a very clear statement in conventional medicine which states that a healthy skin cannot be penetrated, except by hookworm. If this is the case we need an explanation as to how the skin barrier function can be disrupted or become unstable. An allergy can only occur when an allergen manages to pass through the skin, in other words the allergen must penetrate into the body. In the case of contact allergies, other processes occur and we will devote ourselves to this subject at a later date. Pollen enzymes, or mite excrement enzymes, are harmless environmental substances until they pass into the body and come into contact with the immune system.
The latest research shows that the protective capacity of the skin has been disrupted
In the science area of the site, there are scientific reports which show that the allergen passes through molecular-sized holes in the skin. The protein gates, known as tight junctions, normally provide a closed skin barrier, opening only when certain known substances identify themselves to the cells, such as amino acids or vitamins. Killer enzymes are, however, able to destroy these tight junctions or cause them to remain open for a few hours. This means that allergens then have the opportunity to pass through the skin and a battle with the immune system commences. In a sensitized allergy sufferer this results in a violent allergic reaction.