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Why your doctor doesn’t know the causes of allergies

The training of doctors

If you go to your doctor with an allergy you will be treated for the symptoms you are displaying. In the case of a pollen allergy the drug of choice will be an antihistamine, in the case of eczema you receive a cream and in the case of asthma you will be prescribed an inhaler. All of these drugs relieve the symptoms of allergies, but will not eliminate the allergy, nor do they assist in diagnosing the cause of allergies.

Teaching at Universities

In Germany the number of allergy sufferers is rising and, simultaneously, the number of allergy specialist doctors decreases. Prof. Dr. Harald Renz, president of the German Society for Allergies and Clinical Immunology (DGAKI) knows the reasons and in an interview on “Mein-Allergie-Portal” he refers to the training of doctors: "The reasons for this are in the organization of the Department of Medicine in general. Allergies in Germany are not a separate field in medicine nor in the medical curriculum. In the basic training of medical students the study of allergies is not mandatory." At universities specialist training takes place, for example, in dermatology, lung specialists and ENT specialists. Allergies are, however, not a separate subject area in Germany and the subject is not even offered as an option everywhere. The causes of allergies are not then on the curriculum, only the treating of the symptoms.

The billing system of health organisations

The accounting systems of the health organisations ensure that the doctor is paid according to his time, expertise and expenses. Diagnosis, prescribing of medication, performing the prick test, giving advice or the implementation of specific immunotherapy. Everything is billable but still only the symptoms of allergies are treated.

The research focuses on treatment of allergies

The research into allergies focuses mainly on the treatment, almost exclusively investigating the treatment of symptoms. This is very lucrative for the institutions involved who can then apply for patents.

Most doctors are not trained in nutrition

Doctors receive hardly any training in nutrition, so generally are not experts on the correlations between diet and treatment. The exception here is the training in nutritional medicine for extreme problems, such as obesity, anorexia and malnutrition.

Doctors are not allowed to treat you exclusively with diet

I have found through my own research that the causes of many allergies are to be found in killer enzymes. As a result, I can advise that some allergies can be completely eliminated by a change in food habits. However, if I were a doctor I would not be able to offer any such advice. According to Wikipedia (in German): "Nutritional intervention is only part of the overall therapy. The attempt at healing severe diseases exclusively through diet is considered in nutritional medicine as malpractice”. Here on we are determined to further explore the causes of allergies and, if possible, reduce or even eliminate them entirely.

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